Newpark Mall Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Blog

How Long Can I Expect My Dental Filling to Last?

December 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 11:01 pm
Lady thinks something over

Dental fillings have allowed countless teeth to recover from destructive infections and function well for many decades afterward, but they do not last forever. The lifespan of your dental filling is largely determined by its position in your mouth, your dental hygiene and chewing habits, and the material it was made from. Here’s a brief guide to how long your filling can last as well as a few ways to tell if you’re ready for a replacement.


Why Shouldn’t I Take My Child to the ER for a Dental Injury? 

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 8:12 pm
little boy dealing with a dental emergency

A dental emergency can be a scary reality for young patients. Children and teenagers who suffer from a knocked-out tooth, nagging toothache, or busted lip need timely treatment; however, before you load them up in the car and take them to the closest ER, consider why it might be better to see a trusted emergency dentist instead. Read on to learn why it’s best to entrust their smile to dental experts instead of spending countless hours in a local emergency room.


My Child’s Teeth Are Sensitive – Is This a Dental Emergency?

August 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 7:17 pm
Child holding his jaw because of tooth sensitivity

Maybe your child has been complaining about eating hot or cold foods or says that brushing their teeth hurts. The point is, their pearly whites are overly sensitive. Sudden dental sensitivities can be concerning, especially when it’s your little one. But how do you know whether it’s a dental emergency?

It’s true tooth sensitivity could mean a variety of things, but don’t worry. Just keep reading to learn what you should look for.


First Aid for Tiny Teeth: What to Do for Your Child’s Chipped Tooth

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 7:37 pm

Accidents happen, and children are especially prone to them with all their wobbly, excited energy. One moment they’re running around happily, and the next, they’re crying because they’ve chipped a tooth! In this situation, it’s important not to panic, even if you really want to. However, the only way to achieve calm when you’re dealing with a chipped tooth is to know what you’re doing! Continue reading to find an emergency guide on the steps to take if your child chips a tooth.


Interesting, Unexpected, and Little-Known Facts About Braces

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 2:23 pm
person with braces smiling

Braces are renowned for their role in straightening teeth, closing gaps, and enhancing smiles. In the United States, over four million people wear braces, and surprisingly, 25% of them are adults. Beyond their primary function of perfecting pearly the alignments of pearly whites, braces hold intriguing facts that many people don’t know about. Continue reading as we delve into these lesser-known aspects of this beneficial orthodontic treatment!


Correcting Underlying Oral Health Problems with Orthodontics

April 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 2:47 am

Dental model used for metal bracesNothing is more precious than your little one’s beautiful smile. Their teeth are influential to their oral health and development. Unfortunately, issues with their primary and adult teeth can affect their general wellness negatively. Here’s how fixing bite and alignment problems can prevent your little one from potential health concerns.


How to Tell If Your Child Needs Braces

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkortho @ 3:04 am

Young boy with braces smilingDid you know that children should have an orthodontic consultation around the age of six or seven? Although this may seem young, early orthodontics can save your little one from needing dental work later. It’s easy to spot crooked, gap, or overcrowded teeth, but those aren’t the only signs your child may need braces. Here’s what you need to know to determine if your child could benefit from orthodontics.
