Complete Orthodontics - Newark, CA

An Aligned Smile Is a Strong One

Family of four smiling in park after complete orthodontics in Newark

It’s best if you don’t ignore your child’s teeth when they’re crooked, overcrowded, or gapped. Instead, please call us – we at Newpark Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics will get their smile back on track. Thanks to our varied options, we can prevent severe alignment problems and make time with braces more pleasant. We’re also able to address matters early or "straighten things out" with subtler methods later. If you want to book a visit for complete orthodontics in Newark, please call a member of our dental team today.

Why Choose Newpark Mall Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics for Orthodontics?

  • Orthodontics for Kids & Teens Alike
  • Many Distinct Treatment Options Available
  • Digital Impression System for Invisalign Aligners

Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics

Close up of smiling child with braces on their lower teeth

Put simply, phase 1 orthodontics tries to keep a child from having later smile misalignment. (Early dental problems can impact their oral and facial structures.) It thus treats a child’s mouth between the ages of 7 and 11. To be specific, it relies on varied devices to ensure the jaw grows well. The result is that a child will spend less time (if any) wearing braces in the future. This phase one work can also reduce the need for later surgery.

Traditional Orthodontics

Teenage girl with traditional braces smiling in dental chair

For traditional orthodontics, a child will wear metal braces on their teeth for a time. The device’s brackets and wires will move each tooth into the right position. Metal braces thus work best for kids with crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth. (They’re also suited for those with an overbite, underbite, or crossbite.) However, note that treatment will involve regular follow-up visits. We’ll use these sessions to tighten your child’s archwire.

Clear/Ceramic Braces

Close up of smile with clear ceramic braces

Naturally, older kids care more about their looks. They can easily reject the idea of standard braces – they don’t want to suffer from a “metal mouth.” In these cases, we offer a compromise: clear/ceramic braces. This option works like the traditional one, but it’s far less eye-catching in crowds. It depends on clear brackets that move teeth with more discretion. As a result, your child will have confidence during the alignment process.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligner on tray

If your teen wants to avoid braces altogether, Invisalign is an ideal choice. It uses clear, plastic trays (“aligners”) that put constant pressure on the teeth. This force moves a smile in the right direction over time. It even takes less time to work than metal braces – roughly 12-18 months. So, it’s a preferred option for teens who desire flexibility and fast results.

Retainers & Oral Appliances

Smiling girl holding two retainers

Once a child is done with braces (or aligners), they’ll enter their treatment’s retention phase. They need to wear a custom-made retainer at this point. By doing so, their teeth will stay in the new position instead of reverting to the old one. (Teeth need time to adjust and integrate into their new location.) Our office can provide such retainers and similar oral appliances. With these, a child would get help for their teeth that braces alone can’t offer.